Using manure instead of synthetic fertilizers produces several benefits in Land fertilization:

Lower cost fertilizer treatments:- Using organic fertilizers, such as swine lagoon effluent or sludge or poultry litter, can offset the relatively high cost of synthetic fertilizers, such as urea and diammonium phosphate, that are commonly used to fertilize forest stands.

Slower-release nutrients:- Organic fertilizers release nutrients as organic materials decompose. Nutrient analysis reports indicate the nutrients available for use by a crop in the first year of application. In addition, manure adds secondary and micronutrients, including calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, manganese, boron, molybdenum, zinc, and copper, as well as organic matter to soils.

Decreased energy requirements:-  Production of mineral fertilizers, especially N, requires significant energy. The use of readily and locally available organic fertilizers should reduce national and local fossil-energy requirements.

Future Agro not only helps farmers in choosing the right manure as per their land composition and requirements but also helps them to procure the best quality of these manures at the most cost-effective price.